
Learning and Growing Together
SUCCOR Behavioral Services, LLC
Succor Behavioral Services is proud to offer mental health behavioral services in The Public School System servicing students from pre-school through high school. “Our program goal is to create an environment that provides youth an opportunity to learn and grow to become productive citizens in their homes, schools and community.”
Therapeutic Day Treatment is an intensive mental health service that will provide the student with the following: Cognitive Behavioral Programming (monitoring, observing, redirecting and counseling throughout the school day)
Psycho-educational Groups (teaching anger control, pro-social skills, problem-solving, coping strategies, effective communication, and more)
Individual Therapy (one on one counseling each week to assist with the student's individual needs)
Group Therapy (counseling with a small group to practice and process new skills and influences on behavior)
Family Therapy (the student's case manager will contact the guardian each week to review progress and assist with any issues at home)
Care Coordination (the student's case manager will communicate regularly with his or her teachers and any other mental health treatment providers involved)
Crisis Intervention and Stabilization (to evaluate a mental health crisis situation that places the student or his/her peers in harm's way)
Bi-Monthly Therapeutic recreation and socialization activities
Quarterly family nights and parenting workshops
Daily level system to track the students’ progress (incentive rewards)
Succor Behavioral Services Therapeutic Day Treatment Program wants to make a positive impact on the lives of our Students, Families and Community.
“Together We Can Make A Better Tomorrow, “Team Work Makes The Dream Work”
For more Information contact Derman Spragg 804-513-4928 or email.